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Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dawn of Destiny

Getting Rare Cards
Dark Necrofear: Duel Odion and pick the Obelisk Statue /or/ Duel Bakura and pick
the Ra or Slifer statue
Valkyrion the Magna Warrior: Duel Yami Yugi and sacrifice Beta, Gamma and
Alpha to put it in play and pick the Ra /or/ Slifer statue
Exodia Set: Duel Rare Hunter /or/ Grandpa and pick the Slifer and Obelisk statues
Mirror Force: Duel Yami Yugi /or/ Joey and pick the Ra and Slifer statues
Jinzo: Duel Joey and pick the Slifer statue
Magic Cylinder: Duel Kaiba and pick the Slifer statue
Red-Eyes Black Dragon: Duel Joey and pick the Obelisk statue
Summoned Skull: Duel Yami Yugi and pick the Obelisk /or/ Slifer statue
B. Skull Dragon: Duel Joey and pick the Obelisk statue
Polymerization: Duel Pegasus and pick the Obelisk statue
Gaia the Fierce Knight: Duel Yami Yugi and pick the Obelisk statue
Cyber Stein: Duel Marik in a Triple or Single duel and pick the Slifer statue
Pot of Greed: Duel Grandpa and pick the Slifer statue
Swords of Revealing Light: Duel Rare Hunter and pick the Slifer /or/ Obelisk statue
Card Destruction: Duel Yami Bakura and pick the Obelisk statue
Axe of Despair: Duel Yami Yugi and pick the Obelisk statue /or/ Duel Kaiba and
pick the Slifer statue
Monster Reborn: Duel Kaiba and pick the Slifer Statue /or/ Duel Joey and pick the
Obelisk statue
Tribute to the Doomed: Duel Yami Bakura and pick the Slifer statue
Change of Heart: Duel Yami Bakura and pick the Ra statue
Delinquent Duo: Duel Arkana and pick the Obelisk Statue
Dark Hole: Duel Yami Bakura and pick the Slifer statue

Rare cards:
When you put in a new name such as GOD OF CARDS, you will get a rare card
such as Tri-Horn Dragon. If you enter KONAMI as a game, you will get Cosmo
Queen. When you put XBOX as a game, you will get Zera the Mant.

Use other decks:
Unlock the desired tier in triple duel mode. Then, hold X at the opponent selection
screen in single duel mode to bring up a deck selection screen. You may now
choose anyone's deck from that tier. This allows to you see what is in the other
character's decks and use them against an opponent in single duel mode.

When at the single duel screen, hold X. In order for this to work you must unlock
all tiers and view the credits at least once.

Alternate background:
Press X at the menu with the single or triple duel options to change the
background to that of one of cards that you have unlocked.

Getting higher in triple dueling:
Getting to the next level is quite easy. If the order is easy, medium, hard, it could
be a challenge. However, by putting them in hard, medium, easy order you can
save your life points for an easy person. You should be able to complete it.

Easy magic and trap cards:
To get easy magic and trap cards, unlock the Rare Hunter in triple duels. Then,
just keep defeating him until you get the cards that you need. He has all the best
magic and trap cards required for a deck. Note: He three sets of Exodia and
multiple limited cards such as Pot Of Greed.

Easy win:
Get the magic card that stops all trap cards and set it down face up. Then when
you attack, there are not any trap holes. This is very useful against Grandpa,
because he mostly has trap hole.

If you saved before the match and you know that you are going to lose, instead of
waiting for the rest of the turns to go by, hold Back + Start to do an in-game reset
to save time.

Use the "Use other decks" trick. Use Rare Hunter's deck every time in Single Duel.
You will get Exodia every time and still get good cards after the duel.

Prevent Summoning Exodia:
Use this trick when you face Grandpa or Rare Hunter, as they are the only ones
that have Exodia the Forbidden One. Jack most of your deck with cards that make
your opponent discard cards from their deck and/or hand. Most of the time against
Grandpa this trick will work. However, against Rare Hunter it is a challenge
because he has three sets of Exodia compared to Gramp's single set.

Alternately, discard the head to the Graveyard; as it is the part of Exodia that
allows the automatic victory.

Unlocking characters in single duel mode:

Shimon: Defeat level 1 in Triple Duel.
Grandpa: Defeat level 1 in Triple Duel twice.
Yugi: Defeat level 6 or defeat level 1 in Triple Duel three times.
Tea: Defeat level 2 in Triple Duel.
Joey: Defeat level 10 or defeat level 2 in Triple Duel twice.
Tristan: Defeat level 2 in Triple Duel three times.
Bakura: Defeat level 3 in Triple Duel three times.
Shadi: Defeat level 3 in Triple Duel.
Yami Yugi: Defeat level 14, level 12 or level 3 in Triple Duel twice.
Weevil: Defeat level 4 in Triple Duel twice.
Rex Raptor: Defeat level 4 in Triple Duel.
Mako: Defeat level 4 in Triple Duel three times.
Bonz: Defeat level 5 in Triple Duel twice.
Bandit Keith: Defeat level 5 in Triple Duel three times.
Pegasus: Defeat level 5 in Triple Duel.
Mai: Defeat level 10 or level 6 in Triple Duel.
Kaiba: Defeat level 12 or level 6 in Triple Duel three times.
Rare Hunter: Defeat level 13 or level 7 in Triple Duel.
Arkana: Defeat level 7 twice in Triple Duel.
Strings: Defeat level 7 in Triple Duel three times.
Espa Roba: Defeat level 8 in Triple Duel twice.
Lumis and Umbra: Defeat level 8 in Triple Duel three times.
Marik: Defeat level 10 or level 8 in Triple Duel.
Ishizu: Defeat level 11 or level 9 in Triple Duel twice.
Odion: Defeat level 11 or level 9 in Triple Duel three times.
Yami Marik: Defeat level 14, level 12 or level 9 in Triple Duel.
Yami Bakura: Defeat level 14 or level 11 in Triple Duel.

Triple Duel opponents:
The following is a lost of all the characters you will face in each of the levels in

Triple Duel:

Level 1: Shimon, Grandpa, and Yugi
Level 2: Tea, Tristan, and Joey
Level 3: Bakura, Shadi, and Yami Yugi
Level 4: Weevil, Rex Raptor, and Mako
Level 5: Bonz, Bandit Keith, and Pegasus
Level 6: Mai, Yugi, and Kaiba
Level 7: Rare Hunter, Arkana, and Strings
Level 8: Espa Roba, Lumis, and Umbra, and Marik
Level 9: Ishizu, Odion, and Yami Marik
Level 10: Mai, Joey, and Marik
Level 11: Ishizu, Odion, and Yami Bakura
Level 12: Yami Marik, Kaiba, and Yami Yugi
Level 13: 3 Rare Hunters
Level 14: The Yamis of Marik, Bakura, and Yugi
Level 15: Kaiba's Dueling Machines

Getting good cards:
Kaiba, Yugi, Yami Yugi, and the Rare Hunter will give you good cards when you
defeat them in single duel mode. You can also get cards from their graveyard if
you choose the correct statue.

Japanese cards:
The game has the characters playing Japanese cards that have not been released
in the United States and possibly other countries as well. For example, when
playing Joey, he suddenly plays Polymerization to make Meteor B. Dragon, a
Japanese card. Another is Ishizu. Ishizu's favorite card, the monster in the
background just before you duel, is also a Japanese card.

Recommended cards:
The best cards in the game are Blue Eyes, Exodia, and power ups.

God cards:
There are no Egyptian cards in this game . Konami have said that they were not
included because the cards are not tournament legal.

One Mistake:
The one mistake in the rules i found in this game is, there are no limits to the
number of the same card you can have in your deck (you can have 60 of the
same card if you want to).

Unbeatable deck:
If you have 1 set of Exodia plus 35 Pot of Greeds, you cannot lose.

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